Improving air quality at home
Not only is this ‘Briiv‘ air purifier eco-friendly and the world’s most sustainable one EVER created but it’s also lovely to look at and great as part of your decor. WINNER! Improving air quality at home has never been so good and now you can benefit from the ‘countryside quality air’ no matter where you are.
Now that a lot of us are staying indoors, we’ve more time to work on ourselves than perhaps ever before. Our routines may have changed, hopefully for the better, and now we can focus on what really matters in life; health, happiness and the world we live in.
How does it work?
There’s a four-stage filter process using 100% biodegradable and natural materials including moss, activated charcoal, coconut husk and Astino wool, and because of the efficiency of the 100% natural filters, the purifier will remove harmful toxins and particles from a 4m x 4m room in 30 minutes. WOW.
The renewable Astino wool has even been chosen by NASA for air filtration in spacecrafts thanks to its incredible ability to remove harmful particles and combat airborne viruses. Having been to the Kennedy Space Centre on our Colourful Florida Family Road Trip earlier this year, I know my girls will be mightily impressed by this!
Improving health and well being
With the environment becoming more polluted, particularly in the city, this new Briiv Air Purifier will provide a completely natural, energy efficient and eco-friendly way to clean air quality in homes that will decrease the impact of pollutants on people’s health.
Even the natural filters can be composted down fully, to zero waste, within 3-4 months, so when they that everything they design has green credentials at its heart they’re not kidding!
This is a much-needed step towards more sustainable and green products, not just for our homes, but for the world, and any product that aids our well-being without impacting the Earth has to be a good thing right?
Good luck with your launch Briiv, I for one can’t wait to have one in my own home.
Until next time,
Kel x
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